Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ever Want some free xbox live?

Want some Free Xbox Live Codes?

Every Xbox 360 gamer knows what the Xbox Live is. The Xbox Live is a place where you can connect with your friends, have a game or two, update your avatar, show off your achievements, and more. The Xbox Live Marketplace allows you to buy new games, avatars, media, and more for your console. It is a great gaming experience, but there's one problem: it costs money. You may be cashing out hundreds of dollars every year for Xbox Live, so wouldn't you want to learn how you can get some free xbox live codes?
How does this work?
Before I came up with this method, I was pretty stressed out. I was spending tons of money on Xbox Live each year and was starting to think about getting rid of my Xbox. I started searching online for ways to get free xbox live codes but all I got were generators which didn't work. My computer was infected with trojans, malware, and everything else imaginable, except Xbox Live codes. That's when I decided to research the way Microsoft actually produced the codes. After 2 months of studying the process by which they create Xbox Live codes, I found a way "in". Not an exploit, this was perfectly legal, and didn't require any hacking or anything. I found a way to get an unlimited supply of Xbox Live codes without paying a cent.

Is there any proof that this works?
At first, this may seem a bit suspicious. I mean, free xbox live codes? How can that be possible, right? Well it is, and this is how it works. The method I'll teach you is completely legal and does not go against Microsoft's T.o.S or Privacy Policy. It requires some time and dedication, but is overall, a simple, easy to follow process.

There is proof of this method. Check out my latest prize of a 12 Month Xbox Live code I got for free! 
Let's get started!
Ready to start getting your very own free xbox live codes? Great! Beforte we begin, make sure you have these 3 things:

1. A working email address.
2. A stable internet connection.
3. Some time, I'm talking about 1-2 hours MAX.

Once you have these 3 things, head on over to check out my method. It's completely free and doesn't require you to download any "generators", "loaders", etc. I broke the method up into 3, simple steps. If you follow the steps correctly you will get your first free Xbox Live code within an hour!

Enjoy your free xbox live codes! 

1 comment:

  1. The generator at still works.
